Thank you to initial supporters! Status report!

I wanted to take a moment to thank the first several people that gave support by purchasing the maximum edition. It means a lot and has given me happiness to know that there is potential in this.

My goal is to hit 500$ before being able to begin working part time on the first expansion as per the expansion document:

Google doc to Remix B23's massive expansion plan document!

Read the big Expansion Plan document here! Remix B23 can grow HUGE!

So far the first month has been slow, but I haven't properly begun marketing Remix B23 yet; very few people even know it exists at this stage. 

Solving this whole marketing problem has been something I've been focusing on studying, learning and figuring out, not just for this project, but any other project I'd want to work on too. Its a big complex difficult thing to solve.

I'm trying to build a process to make all my marketing systems set up in a way that won't enslave me as a daily thing I'd be forced to do, but still be something that will post content online on a regular basis. Switching my focus from one task to another is greatly disruptive to me so I need a method to automate it and easily mass produce it - its the only option I have as a solo dev.

Hopefully next month I'll have the system for marketing I have been working on launched to make Remix B23 more visible to a whole lot more people and more consistently over a long course of time.

As my first step, I've updated the page and added a Presskit, added new gifs, added a new top section that includes a clear features list that should help new people get a clear quick idea of the game without needing to delve into the larger text below.

Meanwhile I've prepared a plethora of gifs and videos that I'll be uploading automatically. If you've checked my page, you may have seen new software that I've developed for this very process. They help me automate and mass produce gifs and videos in a way that is afforable for a solodev to deal with. I've shared them as Pay-What-You-Want products, so most other solodevs can download them freely to promote their own projects in a cost-effective way.

I also wrote this article on how to Mass Produce gif animations too:

Guide to making animated gifs in bulk, easily!

How to Mass Produce Animated GIFs Like a GOD, Easily!


61 / 500 $ earned to start on first Expansion

(includes other purchases made on my store, not just Remix B23 Maximum edition buys)

Help is welcome:

If you can shout out Remix B23 to your friends or community, it would be a great boost. The full base game is 100% free, so there is no paywall obstacle to recommended it to others. Everyone gets 37 full replayable missions with tons of content at no charge.

Share the link, share the gifs, share screenshots, make youtube videos, recommend it to youtubers, twitch streamers and such. Anything to get it infront of other people, even if its just one other person.

Every little bit helps in promoting the game and growing the visibility of the project so that eventually some will be able to help raise enough money to get me started on the next content update for the Remix B23.

Join my Patreon:

You can also join my Patreon to contribute to this fund, as well as receive various assets and benefits that my various tiers offer.

Patreon link to Reactorcore Games.

Support me on patreon to get the Remix B23 pushed forward!

This also gives you access to the Maximum Edition, as well as my other prepackaged standalone mod, Eradication Wars!

You will also receive downloads to my various gamedev assets and Lego Mecha MOC PDF instructions.

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