A downloadable mod

What is All Clear Message?

All Clear Message is a simple HUD addon for Doom 2 that informs you when all monsters are dead and the level is clear. 

This mod is designed for players who enjoy wiping out all demons before exiting the level, providing a satisfying message to signal that all enemies have been neutralized.

What is it for?

This mod is perfect for players who want a clear indication that they have completed their demon-slaying mission. It adds a layer of satisfaction to the gameplay, ensuring that you don't miss any monsters before moving on to the next level.

How to Use It In-Game

There are three options to choose from, and you should load only one at a time to prevent conflicts:

  1. AllClearMessage_Minimal.pk3

    • Upon killing every monster on the level, a message will show up at the top of the screen telling you the level is clear of monsters. This version uses a small, compact font.
  2. AllClearMessage_HLM_Silent.pk3

    • Inspired by Hotline Miami, upon killing the last monster, the music will stop with a record scratch sound effect, followed by a calm droning audio loop. This creates an atmosphere of safety after you've killed the last demon. This version uses a big font, more suitable for higher resolutions.
  3. AllClearMessage_HLM_WithMusic.pk3

    • Similar to the above, this version also includes the scoreboard music from Hotline Miami 1 (as D_DM2TTL) and 2 (as D_DM2INT), plus some other tracks from Hotline Miami 2 (as D_READ_M).

Mod Function Caveat

Please note that there exist some rare maps that actually spawn enemies out of thin air after you've killed the "existing ones" that were preplaced into the level. In those cases, the message will vanish when new monsters spawn in and will promptly return when you've killed those monsters too.


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(doom mod) AllClearMessage addon.zip 28 MB

Install instructions

Unzip, grab ONE .pk3 out of the three options and load it with gzdoom/zandronum.

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