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Reactorcore, Kenney found their work in your pack, please make sure to properly credit other sources (if any) in case their licenses are more restrictive than Kenney’s. We wouldn’t want people using your pack and getting into trouble.


You're free to use my assets and pack them into a bigger set but I would absolutely appreciate credit, and you cannot license them CC-BY 4.0 as mine are CC0 licensed. Meaning you can't put a more restrictive license on them. Thanks!


Got it! Thank you for highlighting this, I'm a noob at licences - I've now fixed the description and added you to the Credits!


No worries! Thanks for fixing it and well done, this is a very good pack!


Hey Kenney, I love your work, I’ve used it several times always with credit and I agree 100% that you should be credited. But a minor correction here, if you license your assets as CC0, other people are free to use them however they like, including repackaging them with any other license of their choosing, for free or for profit.